
You have chosen a hotel certified with the Nordic Swan Eco Label. This means that you are automatcally helping to preserve the environment, since we meet the Nordic Swan Eco Labels strict environmental requirements. We make it easier for you to take care of the environment without compromising your experience or comfort.

Here are some examples of our environmental initiatives:

  • We are using cleaning products that are better for the environment-and your health.
  • We continously work towards lower water consumption, for example through techical solutions and the choice of dishwashers and other macines.
  • We work towards lower energy consumption, for exampel through efficent heating and ventilation and also using energysaving lightbulbs.
  • We strive to minimise our waste and recycle as much material as possible, glass, metal, paper and plastic to name a few.
  • We have an environmental action plan and our personell have the knowledge on how to decrese our environmental impact and how to help you make environmetally conscious choices.

To reduce the packaging, water and energy, we give you the option of using your towels an extra day. Please leave your towel on the floor if you wish to have it replaced.

We want to make it easy for you to sort your waste. Please place newspapers, papers, batteries, cans, plastic and glass bottles next to the waste bin. We recycle it for you.

If you have any questions about our environmental efforts or how you can contribute, our front desk staff will help you!

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